Doodles, Woodles, Naffies and Airdanes are a blend of different Poodle combinations, which give them almost non existent shedding and excellent temperaments. They are highly intelligent and fabulous family dogs - good with children, loving, very protective and devoted with a sweet disposition.
Doodles are Great Dane Poodles. Woodles are Irish Wolfhound Poodles. Naffies are Newfoundland Afgans. And Airdanes are Airdale Great Danes.
Training can begin as early as eight weeks. They grow upward until two years of age, and fill out from two years to four years, finally reaching adulthood, although they act like puppies for life. Mastiffs are a primitive breed, and the Adronicus Mastiff is the rarest of all Mastiffs.
The Doodle, Woodle, Naffie and Airdane Size:
Height: small, medium and large - 18" -33"
Weight: 40-150 lbs |